Chazza Shopping...

You can't beat a good old charity shop. My favourite finds include an antique teapot, Moschino handbag and an 80's scarf. You never know when you're going to stumble upon a little gem. Like a car boot sale, just warmer. Anyway, here are some pics of my chazza shop finds, 80's scarf and 80's jacket (yes i am an 80's throwback...)

Unfortunately the shoes are not from help the aged, but they are gorgeous aren't they.....

Next time you're near a charity shop just spend a good 5 minutes having a rummage, it is for a good cause afterall...

L x


Welcome to the dark side...

Following on from the fashion shoot that was completed on saturday and from Leigh's post I thought it might be best to update you on the last minute change of plan. A few post's ago I posted an image that inspired my concept. Well that changed. As the shoot was getting closer I realised that the good weather wasn't going to hold up. So with a hop, skip and a jump I worked around the weather and changed the direction of the shoot. I decided to embrace the weather and turn to the dark side. Using the cold, wet trees and low lighting to our advantage.

Some nice reference shots that also took place in a forest...

T x

When I grow up I want to be... Emmanuelle Alt...

With her no make up approach, trade mark look and o'ya not forgetting she's the Fashion Director of French Vogue this is the woman to be. Emmanuelle's look is flawless and so so simple. That's what makes her great. Her core look involves using fashions staples down to a tee. This woman would never go out of fashion with her basic T's, trousers that range from leather to denim, and to finish off an on trend jacket. How much simpler could it be!

If you find it hard trying to dress yourself in morning with the latest addition of Vogue on your bed. Just remember it's not about been able to pull off every trend in one go, slow down and start with the basics. Creating a signature staple look can go along way.

T x


Up on the Chevin....

I've just got home from a very long, cold day on location. I'm tucked up in bed with a milky brew and a rather large slice of carrot cake.  Which, unfortunately i can't eat because my teeth are still chattering. Regardless of the baltic temperatures or lack of portaloos (see if you can figure out who's squatting in the distance...) today was a great success. Tara art directed the shoot magnificently and little miss organisation herself made sure the day was run as smooth as silk. Whilst i, as the stylist, had the easy job of making our gorgeous model Zana look even more gorgeous...

I want to explain the concept behind the shoot but I know Tara gets excited about talking about things like that so i'm going to leave that to her for another day. Hopefully we will have the final images by next week so she can have her spot in the limelight.  Until then i'll just show you a day in the life of Ginger & Brown...

Cold, yet glamourous...

L x


Here's one i made earlier....

I've  been in a complete beef with myself these last few days. I think it's because i'm poor and i need to buy clothes to satisfy my hunger. I've found the best thing to do when i'm fed up is to have a rummage around my bedroom and find things that once made me smile. So, I had a cheeky peek at my stash of old love letters, flicked through a stack of photos and eventually stumbled upon some cd's that contained my old work.  So i thought i must share some of the images with you. I picked these because if there are any ladies out whom also need a bit of a pick me up i thought Tom was the best person for the job...

L x


Seeing Beyond the Rags...

I bought this dress from an overloaded vintage shop when last in London. The dress has changed shape from when I first bought it, i've ripped out the sleeves, taken up the length and given it a plunging neckline for a bit of sex appeal. I've added some tanned suede lace up shoes and now I'm ready to nip out for a pint of milk from the corner shop...

Try to look beyond what's in front of you.

T x


The skirt you see featured here cost me £2.50... that's right! You didn't hear me wrong, it cost me £2.50. I found this skirt whilst I was digging about in a charity shop. It jumped right off the rails and into my arms, so I just had to give it a new home. I'm in love!! Not only because of the price but this skirt is great for this coming summer and seems to go with everything in my wardrobe. I quickly teamed it with a black and white stripy boob tube and some strappy TOPSHOP wedges. Sorted.

T x


Growing up in Texas...

You can now buy pieces of Erin Wasson as her jewelry range Low Luv is released. The 27-year-old Texas born Model and Designer has excelled herself. The jewelry has a luxe-grunge style to it just like Erin herself. It features chunky rings, necklaces, earrings and all styles of crucifixes. Price's start from £30. I've also included some images of the lovely Erin herself. It would be rude not too.

T x

Stylish Notebook...

A few days ago I discovered these cute handbag size notebooks by Archie Grand. For those that want a more stylish notebook. I love and adore all the different titles they come engraved with. My very own 'Fashionistas I Met and Liked' notebook is in the post right now.

Go to http://www.archiegrand.com/index.html and see the full range of notebooks. 

T x

One Tree, One Chair and a Model

Sneak peak at this Saturdays coming Shoot...

This saturday myself and Leigh are working on a shoot together with Andy Smith who is our photographer for the day (http://www.andysmithuk.com/). I'm very much looking forward to working on this shoot especially as I've based the whole thing around this one image that I had as inspiration. Talk about making hard work for yourself. The whole thing is to feel very obscure and against the grain.

Let's hope the sun is out.

T x


Primark Beauties...

A while back I promised you that I would find those beautiful expensive looking Primark boots that Louise Roe wore at London Fashion Week. Unfortunately, and much to my disappointment I couldn't find her boots. However I did find some that are equally as hot. And get this, they were reduced from £19 to £10... as if they weren't cheap enough. Boots shown below and a little outfit I threw together. Add a white T, some new H&M leggings and finish off with some statement jewelry and red lips. Let the boots do the talking.

It just goes to show that just because something doesn't have an expensive price tag, it doesn't mean that with the right outfit they can't look just as good.

T x

Plait at it...

Everyone is wearing the messed-up side plait, as its a versatile hair style for summer. From Alexander Wang's Catwalks to Celebrities on the red carpet, everyone is at it. So here are a few pictures to give you some inspiration for this coming saturday night.

Get Plaiting girls and boys...

T x

I Heart Rings...

Just a few of my favourites.

T x

Just a Handful...

This is just a small selection of our favourite pieces of jewellery that we have collected over the years. Pieces range from Charity Shop finds to splashing the cash on Thomas Sabo. Remember that accessories are a girls best friend, with a few statement pieces you can dress an outfit five different ways. Oh and don't be scared to wear gold with silver, because we're certainly not.

T x


Never ever pile lots of items of clothing on one hanger. You think it's a good idea at the time, however it's bad when you forget about that gorgeous dress (that would've been perfect for the party) because it was hidden under a jumper and three t-shirts. Out of sight is out of mind.

So the tip is...

T & L x

You've got mail...

Last night a little birdy told me that men also like to wear double denim. Now, for his own safety i can't disclose this mans identity, his friends are not so '2010' and will hunt him down and force him into an all saints t-shirt.... (shudder.) But this got me thinking, about denim...and men....so here are some pictures of a mixture of the two.

Yes please.....

L x